Wednesday, December 17, 2008


We dedicate today's post and this section to Jeff Terlinden, and some of the pricing guys (Guenther and Neil) who are a little refresh challenged. In fact we'll do the whole write up in green to help the point.

Ok...we'll admit...When we woke up Tuesday morning to nothing but 5 flurries in the driveway, we had to pinch ourselves to see if it was a dream. Watching the Radar fill in monday afternoon and night, surely more than 5 flurries would have collected on the ground. Alvin will be detailing the storm in "THE STORM IN ALVIN'S HEAD" below shortly to explain what happened. After all this is Weather Logic.

Now on to the "Rant"....the advantage Weather Logic has over most of the local and national weather stations is the "Luxury" of updating the page anytime we notice a storm changing. Naturally, we give you our best thoughts as early as possible. Many times that will be before the storm actually forms. A little like looking into our highly expensive crystal ball....but some situations Mother Nature likes to mix it up a bit. Monday was a classic example of "Needing To Change With The Times". We had to update the site late monday night as we saw the dry air come into the region.

Anyone who only saw the post from Monday afternoon or didn't REFRESH the page Tuesday morning saw out of date information. Most know about the Refresh button...It's such a genius invention. It's not hard to find...but we know there are some, like Terlinden, who are REFRESH CHALLENGED. So..we are going to detail the relatively simple steps for you to always make sure you have the latest Update. Now Jeff, if you get lost on these steps, look me up and our tech support team will help you.

  1. Go to

  2. Hit the REFRESH BUTTON.

  3. Repeat everytime you visit the page.


Rain should move back in Thursday afternoon and last into Friday around lunch. Nothing frozen is expected. Highs Thursday will be near 40.


With all the family and friends coming to town, everyone wants to know if we'll have a White Christmas. We've decided to open up the polls on this one and let you decide. See the poll on the top right of the page to vote. We are watching a storm for this Sunday and for Christmas eve that would bring snow. We'll have much more details on Sunday's storm towards week end and Christmas early next week.

For now, the cold and stormy pattern looks to continue through Christmas week. Any warm up we get will be out ahead of approaching if it gets "warm" (upper 40's and 50's) you know somethings coming!


Take a look at the interactive weather forecaster. There is a weekly forecast as well as hour by hour and radar. Enjoy.


Anonymous said...

Clearly, your LOGIC (like your pricing) was not accurate! JT

The Weather Man said...

Maybe not always...but was definitely better than what has become known as the "Terlinden Discount".

Anonymous said...

They could also just hit F5 if they can't find the refresh button at the top of the screen...


Anonymous said...

Keith recently discovered this and is speaking down to people due to his lack of computer knowledge. He feels better now. LOL

Anonymous said...

Ya' know when you're RIGHT no one says anything, but if you're NOT RIGHT which is extremely RARE, watch out! You have
a thankless job you volunteer to do out of the goodness of your heart. Some of us do appreciate your time, meteorology talent and dedication. To those who don't "Don't make me come down there!"

Anonymous said...

I am not going to upset your Mom since I really like that place out west and may need to hunt elk out there:-). Oh she may not like that comment but on the dinner table it would sure taste good.

Since I have no refresh at home it must mean that I have an automatic refresh browser?

The Weather Man said...

Koesters son...This is not a hunting site. Why don't you start