Thursday, December 6, 2007

Live Update Instrcutions?


There have been issues with the "LIVE" update notifications. It seems only 1 notification a day would go out per day regardless of how many times an update was posted...And while that's fine outside the ever changing world of weather, I have searched high and low to bring you a service that works.

Should you decide to get updates throughout the day. Please click on the new service to the right from FEEDWHIP. It is easy, free, and takes a only few steps:

  1. Enter into the Webpage box on feedwhip

  2. Enter your email address on the left and click "Subscribe by email"

  3. Wait for 2 emails from Feedwhip. One will have your password and one will be a confirming email where you click the link to confirm what you set up.

  4. Log into your feedwhip account and ensure you are tracking Weather Logic under "Your Feeds"

  5. Finally click "Account Settings" to confirm what critera you would like to set for the updates (such as timing and content changes).

By all means, leave a comment if you have questions could always bookmark the site and refresh the page when you feel like it!

-The Weatherman


Anonymous said...

Uchs, such bad weather. Here it is sunny and warmed up again.

Anonymous said...

Hey at least now I know where the 4x4 High button is. Still not saying Ill drive any this weekend!

Tyson if your reading this STOP LAUGHING AT ME!
